Travelling around the world can be a life-changing experience, but all it takes is a serious illness or an accident to derail your trip and turn things sideways. Thankfully, with a little bit of preparation and forethought you can mitigate disaster and minimise your chances of getting ill with our top tips for staying healthy while travelling.


Explore by walking 

Exploring a city on foot is always a great idea – not only will walking help you to stay in shape, it will also enable you to get up close to the sites in a much more intimate and meaningful way than can be achieved from the window of a tour bus.


Remember to eat healthily

Whether you are schlepping through the street food markets of Bangkok, wandering past the patisseries of Paris, or touring the deep south of the USA – food always beckons. While it may be tempting to spend all of your time stuffing your face with buttery croissants and greasy BBQ ribs, if you fancy staying healthy while travelling your health and wellbeing can benefit from a balance. For every meal of culinary debauchery try to eat another that is packed with healthy fruits, vegetables and lean proteins.


Try new things, but be careful!

Deep sea diving! Kite surfing! Bungee jumping! Motorbiking! All of these activities can be fun, safe and exciting; travelling just wouldn’t be as meaningful without trying new things and experiencing the thrill of adventure. With that said, use common sense and always engage in so-called ‘extreme sports’ with accredited providers.


Cut down on bad habits before you go 

Nothing will wind you or slow you down more than your bad habits. In order to make the very most of your trip, it is a good idea to cut down on your bad habits before you depart. If you are a smoker consider switching over to e-cigarettes; try to limit excessive drinking; and work on establishing a healthy relationship with food.


Get your vaccines 

Depending on where your travels take you, you might need to consider vaccines and/ or inoculations such as: a DTaP booster, Japanese Encephalitis, Rabies, Typhoid, Diphtheria, Meningitis and Hepatitis A and B. If you are travelling to certain regions in Africa and South America you may also be required to carry a Yellow Fever vaccine certificate with you at all times.


Wash your hands

This may seem like common sense, but simply washing your hands can go a long way when it comes to keeping you healthy. If soap and water are not readily available, alcohol based hand sanitisers can also keep you from contracting many illnesses on your travels.

Make sure you get enough sleep

Most doctors and medical scientists can agree on one thing; ensuring that you are well rested and getting enough sleep can help to boost your immune system and keep you well. Travelling can disrupt your sleep patterns – jet lag, unfamiliar rooms and strange schedules can all wreak havoc on your sleep, but try to make sure that you stay as rested as possible.


Pack a first aid kit 

There are a few essentials that you should always ensure make it into your suitcase or backpack when you pack: a sewing kit, duct tape, a portable water bottle and most importantly – a first aid kit. A simple first aid kit is perfect for helping you deal with small wounds, burns and splinters.


Stay hydrated

While you are out on the move visiting outdoor heritage sites, places of natural beauty and stunning beaches it can be easy to forget to stay hydrated. Neglecting your water consumption can lead to heat stroke and general malaise – try to drink at least 1 litre per day when you are traveling, and even more if the thermometer climbs past 25 degrees.


Don’t forget your medication

Before you head off on your world travels, you should pack a few common over the counter medications with you. A few good options to have them on hand are: ibuprofen, aspirin, a laxative, an anti-diarrhea remedy, hayfever pills and rehydration salts. If you take a daily prescription medicine (or need an epi pen or similar), ensure that you have enough to last your entire trip (and carry a copy of your script in case officials want to see documentation for your medicine).


It’s a drag to be sick while travelling – falling ill or getting into a preventable accident can really spoil your hard earned holiday. By following these simple tips you can make the most of your trip and feel fantastic while you live out your travel dreams. Bon Voyage, and stay safe!

This article was provided by SMOKO Electronic cigarettes. Find out about their products on the SMOKO website.


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