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Top Five Places To Visit For New Year’s Eve

Top Five Places To Visit For New Year’s Eve

The New Year is fast approaching and there’s no better way to enter it other than being in another country. With so many beautiful and interesting destinations to choose from, here at StudentUniverse we’ve made your decisions a bit easier with our top 5 countries to visit. Make sure you enter the New Year in style!

New York City

There’s no New Year without New York! With over a million people flocking to Times Square for what can only be said to be the biggest party; New York City is where you and some friends should be heading too.  Nothing spells party other than a 12-foot glittering ball and over a ton of confetti dropped on your head.  This is a televised event so if you’re looking for a chance to shine make sure you look good! You can also expect musical acts and a wishing wall where you can write down all your resolutions for the coming year.


Valparaiso, Chile

If you’re looking for some sun, sea and more sun then you need to be heading down to Valparaiso harbor. Here you’ll find the biggest New Year’s Eve show in Latin America. Expect to party right into the new year as there will be fireworks, dancers and flame throwers. The festivities begin on the 28th, and by the 31st over a million people will be on the shores of Valparaiso. If you’re a believer of superstitions and traditions join in with the locals and wear yellow underneath your clothing, eat a dozen grapes at midnight and put a £500 peso  bill in your shoe.


If you’re looking to catch some waves on New Year morning then you need to surf all the way down to Sydney, Australia. Join over 1.5 million visitors and be one of the first to welcome 2015.  Festivities will take place at the Sydney Harbor with an Indigenous Smoking Ceremony which is designed to cleanse bad spirits. Alongside cultural acts u can expect fireworks and parades into the New Year.

Sydney, Australia


If you’re looking for something unique, grab your friends and head down to Edinburgh. There will be fireworks displays and a torchlight procession through Edinburgh which will definitely keep you on your toes. Scots believe in “first footing,” which is a tradition where the first person to enter your house in the New Year should be male and dark (this tradition started in Viking times when a blonde visitor usually meant trouble).  The guest is also expected to bring a few presents, usually whiskey and shortbread. I guess you can say its just like Christmas gifts ! The fun doesn’t end there; New Years day is just as good as there will be lots of concerts and cultural events going on at the Edinburgh meeting ground of Calton Hill.


Why not fall in love in Paris. A city known for its fantastic clubs, food, drink , scenery and New Year’s Eve parties; there would be no better place to get inspired than Paris. Try going to the Champs-Elysees or the Montmarte for the ultimate street party with fireworks, free food and drinks all night. The Champs-Elysees offers an impressive fireworks display around the beaming Eiffel Tower. hiWor a more cultured and unique experience head over to the Sacre Coeur Cathedral plaza in Montmarte to see some magnificent views and socialize with some amazing people as you enter the New Year. There’s a lot of entertainment to be found in Pars so make sure you get your cameras ready.

 fall in love in Paris

There’s a world of opportunity out there just waiting to be explored, so make sure you don’t miss out! Remember, the only thing that’s limiting you is your imagination.

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