Spring time is nearly upon us! And with that comes some pretty incredible festivals dotted all across the globe.  Whether it’s a festival to mark the turn of a new year, to celebrate religion or to mark a natural event, there is something that everyone can enjoy. Here are our top picks for the best spring festivals you could be attending this year!

Holi Festival of Colour

One of the most celebrated festivals in India, and also widely celebrated around the world is Holi Festival of Colour. Prepare to be doused in powders made of all colours imaginable!
20-21 March 2019, India (plus various locations around the world)


This traditional spring festival in Zurich, welcomes the arrival of warmer temperatures. The festival ceremony includes the burning of the Böögg (an 11 foot snowman figure placed on a pyre).
8 April 2019, Zurich, Switzerland

Cherry Blossom Festival

A sea of beautifully pink trees become visible in Kyoto and Tokyo around March and April. But be quick, the flowers only bloom for around a week before they start falling off the trees.
March/ April 2019, Kyoto and Tokyo, Japan

Koningsdag (King’s Day)

Enjoy the biggest street party of the year in Amsterdam! Take part in the King’s Day festivities by donning something orange and taking to the streets, parks and canals to celebrate!
27 April 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Songkran is water festival that marks the start of the Thai New Year. This national holiday is celebrated by a country wide water fight!
13-15 April 2019, Thailand

These are just a handful of many festivals taking places each year during spring! If you’re lucky enough to catch one of the above on your travels, have fun! And if you’re looking for a flight to any of the destinations take a look on our website for the best flight deals.


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