What To Expect From Freshers Week

Everything’s new, you’re probably moving away from home for the first time and you’re surrounded by people you’ve never met. The first week at university is normally called ‘Freshers’ Week’ and will be packed through with new places, new activities and new faces. It can be a daunting time for many new students who are probably striking out on their own for the first time, but an exciting time too! One of the main things to remember is that, however confident and ‘at home’ other new students appear, they are probably just as nervous as you. You can prepare yourself beforehand though, by being a bit organised. So here at StudentUniverse we have comprised a list of all things you should expect during freshers week so that you’ll have a better idea of what to expect from your hectic first week at university. 

1. Your first student loan installment might seem like a windfall, but chances are it won’t go as far as you’ve hoped. So make sure you budget.

make sure you budget or your travels

2. You have a 99% chance of catching what most call the ‘freshers flu’, so make sure you bring a home-made student first aid kit, with pain killers, cold/ flu remedies, heat packs and plasters!

3. You may find yourself queuing up in very long lines to get into clubs, so you need to get there early.

4. Before going out you will find that pre-drinking and pre-drinking games will save you fortunes on nights out.

pre-drinking games will save you fortunes on nights out

5. Everyone will come home from nights out at different time, so don’t be surprised if your neighbours are a bit noisy.

6. When you order a taxi, asking for an eight-seater is a great way to split cost and save you a bit of money.

7. Friendships are formed very quickly.

Friendships are formed very quickly

8. The Students Union will have events going on all week, usually involving minor C-list celebrities and silly party games.

9. Bring a pack of cards, you will soon learn you will be the life of the party.

10. You will miss home at some point. It may be your bed, your dog or just some good food.

11. Spending money very quickly.

12. You will have a going-out playlist.

have a going-out playlist

13. Don’t be surprised if you feel extremely tired from the morning after, you will muscle up the will to live.

14. You will eat a lot of pizza.

15. It will feel like Christmas with all the student discounts you will be entitled to including discounts off flights, hotels and tours from yours truly StudentUniverse. If pays to be aware of what discounts you are able to get, as this will help you keep your costs at a minimum.

16. Fire alarms go off at the most random times. Typically while you’re in the shower, sleeping, or using the toilet.But make sure you leave the building in case of a real fire.

Fire alarms go off at the most random times

17. You will call your parents more than expected.

18. Everybody is in the same shoes as you!

19. You only get this experience once make the most of it. Okay maybe 3 -4 depending on how long your course is because freshers is every year !

20. StudentUniverse will be attending a variety of freshers fairs so check and see if we will be in a town near you. We’ll be giving away a huge prize and doing some seriously fun things – but we don’t want to spoil what they’ll be just yet! So make sure you come and visit.

party hard with studentuniverse

Armed with these tips, you’re ready to take the big step and start your fresher in style and comfort. These are some of the best years of your life, so make sure you make the most of them!

If you’re planning or are studying in the UK, check out StudentUniverse for student and youth discounts on flights, hotels and tours to ensure your trip is as cheap as possible.


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